On Dec 9, 2014, at 2:34 AM, Steffen Kaiser <skdovecot@smail.inf.fh-brs.de> wrote:
On Mon, 8 Dec 2014, Stephen Lidie wrote:
I've only be able to status a mailbox for currently existing users, is it possible to status a mailbox reloaded from tape to an alternate location? The user may or may not exist at this time, but I still need to inspect the mailbox ... thank you,
Well, although I am able to issue a mailbox status command regardless, the implication was that the command displayed an empty string (nothing useful), and thus a working example using files not in the locations specified by mail_location would be useful. In my configuration mail_locations is defined as:
mail_location = mdbox:~/mail:INDEX=/var/dovecot/index/%u
So a command of the form “doveadm mailbox status -u userName all INBOX” uses mail_location as defined in dovecot.conf to locate the mail and index files, and displays appropriate information about the specified user’s INBOX.
If I have mail and index files in an alternate location - restored from a backup tape for example - how do I obtain data such as unseen, message count, vsize, etc about mailboxes residing at that alternate location, a location not pointed to by mail_location? As I mentioned, “doveadm import” allows one to provide an alternate source location, but “doveadm mailbox status” does not AFAIK, thus, a sample command would be wonderful.