[Dovecot] Maildir Skeleton
I'm setting up a new mailserver with postfix and Dovecot.
I'd like to prepare a skeleton for the users maildir to create i.e. a spam folder and a sieve file per default.
Is there any chance to realize this with dovecot?
Regards Sebastian
Sebastian Ganschow Königsberger Str. 17 45770 Marl Germany
Phone: +49 2365 9 24 96 76 Mobile: +49 172 2 47 41 44 Mail: sebastian@ganschow.name -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
iD8DBQFGuGdvKWhY+QthhLYRArCQAKCKLAaWetcu84vqnlr+a31K1qhKNgCfVtGL 71lFFadsY+9U1vIdNdhIcZE= =biAm -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
On Tue, 7 Aug 2007, Sebastian Ganschow wrote:
I'd like to prepare a skeleton for the users maildir to create i.e. a spam folder and a sieve file per default.
Is there any chance to realize this with dovecot?
Try: http://wiki.dovecot.org/PostLoginScripting
But the script runs for each login.
Steffen Kaiser -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
iQEVAwUBRrhy2i9SORjhbDpvAQIZiAgAlo6RC/39/mMj+rKiZ9i15fc6PF0lrK4X bvPTyhSSngC1Eeq3Ozc76J5Y4OCw4eKp9ouBECu840v81zRMe01An0zJjmrf/tjx yyWE/aJiGg4yOk3oP2pdfv8+MYawYxb6EPW+NmEyCr/6LHDfONa4PWC76iT6XZsF HOAxXE99qm4Kv9jGINKsRL1+OK+KWWzplF6hVtsrY7+8D+zk2YiQtFCKFK5SnpdA X2IMUfrYVovIJAUGPdzrLOVgeJxQJbXTqkG5dhqHZnYc6mEcrwsvRzavExz1qjmx 6uPUA7UsG/DM0Xj4rBoPXT9m+jwSouEUyM1lKNPzUsq8RyvhxOSN/g== =9nBa -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
If your OS uses /etc/skel to build new users from (many do), you can create it there. Most OSs that use /etc/skel merely copy files from there, then chown them to the appropriate user and group. Perms shouldn't be modified.
On 2007 Aug 07 (Tue) at 14:37:03 +0200 (+0200), Sebastian Ganschow wrote: :-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- :Hash: SHA1 : :Hi, : :I'm setting up a new mailserver with postfix and Dovecot. : :I'd like to prepare a skeleton for the users maildir to create i.e. a spam :folder and a sieve file per default. : :Is there any chance to realize this with dovecot? : :Regards :Sebastian :- -- :Sebastian Ganschow :K??nigsberger Str. 17 :45770 Marl :Germany : :Phone: +49 2365 9 24 96 76 :Mobile: +49 172 2 47 41 44 :Mail: sebastian@ganschow.name :-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- :Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32) :Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org : :iD8DBQFGuGdvKWhY+QthhLYRArCQAKCKLAaWetcu84vqnlr+a31K1qhKNgCfVtGL :71lFFadsY+9U1vIdNdhIcZE= :=biAm :-----END PGP SIGNATURE----- :
-- A sine curve goes off to infinity or at least the end of the blackboard. -- Prof. Steiner
Peter Hessler schrieb:
If your OS uses /etc/skel to build new users from (many do), you can create it there. Most OSs that use /etc/skel merely copy files from there, then chown them to the appropriate user and group. Perms shouldn't be modified.
It would work if the users weren't virtual. There are only virtual users on the mail system.
Sebastian Ganschow Königsberger Str. 17 45770 Marl Germany
Phone: +49 2365 9 24 96 76 Mobile: +49 172 2 47 41 44 Mail: sebastian@ganschow.name -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
iD8DBQFGuItoKWhY+QthhLYRAmdGAKCgbg2mvg8dUh14AqvMFJKnBp5YigCfWyXX 17qBtdCdl4j2q7AvuBq1jKY= =Jo8x -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
- Sebastian Ganschow <sebastian@ganschow.name>:
Peter Hessler schrieb:
If your OS uses /etc/skel to build new users from (many do), you can create it there. Most OSs that use /etc/skel merely copy files from there, then chown them to the appropriate user and group. Perms shouldn't be modified.
It would work if the users weren't virtual. There are only virtual users on the mail system.
That's no problem either. The question is: Are you looking for an automated process or does "cp -a template_maildir/ /srv/mail/newuser/" the job?
-- state of mind Agentur für Kommunikation, Design und Softwareentwicklung
Patrick Koetter Tel: 089 45227227 Echinger Strasse 3 Fax: 089 45227226 85386 Eching Web: http://www.state-of-mind.de
Amtsgericht München Partnerschaftsregister PR 563
Patrick Ben Koetter schrieb:
- Sebastian Ganschow <sebastian@ganschow.name>:
If your OS uses /etc/skel to build new users from (many do), you can create it there. Most OSs that use /etc/skel merely copy files from there, then chown them to the appropriate user and group. Perms shouldn't be modified. It would work if the users weren't virtual. There are only virtual users on
Peter Hessler schrieb: the mail system.
That's no problem either. The question is: Are you looking for an automated process or does "cp -a template_maildir/ /srv/mail/newuser/" the job?
It should be automated.
A possible solution would be a cronjob, which checks every few minutes if there is a new user without a maildir. But this requires that the user hasn't logged on before the cronjob is executed.
Another approach is to check every maildir for an existing .Spam folder and a .dovecot.sieve file and create both if they don't exist.
If dovecot couldn't do this by itself, I'm going to realize it with a cronjob.
Sebastian Ganschow Königsberger Str. 17 45770 Marl Germany
Phone: +49 2365 9 24 96 76 Mobile: +49 172 2 47 41 44 Mail: sebastian@ganschow.name -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
iD8DBQFGuKAIKWhY+QthhLYRAu8fAKCGOqZP9SmTV6/evKm9iJVfYftxkgCfQaHG PP0u3V1inNrtTxBhs0WKU8w= =zytd -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
That's no problem either. The question is: Are you looking for an automated process or does "cp -a template_maildir/ /srv/mail/newuser/" the job?
It should be automated.
A possible solution would be a cronjob, which checks every few minutes if there is a new user without a maildir. But this requires that the user hasn't logged on before the cronjob is executed.
Another approach is to check every maildir for an existing .Spam folder and a .dovecot.sieve file and create both if they don't exist.
If dovecot couldn't do this by itself, I'm going to realize it with a cronjob.
Why not just do this with a post-logon script?
Best regards,
Charles Marcus schrieb:
Why not just do this with a post-logon script?
This would only work, if the user logs in before he gets the first mail.
Sebastian Ganschow Königsberger Str. 17 45770 Marl Germany
Phone: +49 2365 9 24 96 76 Mobile: +49 172 2 47 41 44 Mail: sebastian@ganschow.name -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
iD8DBQFGuKpYKWhY+QthhLYRAugAAKCKto8coVYvONIYLpZ7r+/0crDZcwCgjHuC rqSurMbqtYCoWO0xtqM4shs= =9lc4 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
On Tue, 2007-08-07 at 19:22 +0200, Sebastian Ganschow wrote:
Charles Marcus schrieb:
Why not just do this with a post-logon script?
This would only work, if the user logs in before he gets the first mail.
Hmm, dovecot is all about retrieving received mail. If you need things to be done before a user retrieves mail initially, you _need_ to do it either via postfixadmin (don't know that piece) or using the LDA you are using to route the mail to the fitting (virtual) user.
procmail for example could make you happy here (man procmailex).
major drawback however for all those operations is that things are checked over and over again for each mail received.
another (more sane) option would be to write the list of newly created users into a file/database/... and have a cronjob loop over this list, create the skeleton things you need and finally remove the user if the creation was successfull. Yet keep in mind that cron jobs are executed once a minute at most, so the time between creating the user and the cronjob running might cause some mails getting in before your user has been correctly "initialized".
-- Udo Rader
bestsolution.at EDV Systemhaus GmbH http://www.bestsolution.at
Udo Rader schrieb:
procmail for example could make you happy here (man procmailex).
May be, but I'm using dovecots deliver.
another (more sane) option would be to write the list of newly created users into a file/database/... and have a cronjob loop over this list, create the skeleton things you need and finally remove the user if the creation was successfull. Yet keep in mind that cron jobs are executed once a minute at most, so the time between creating the user and the cronjob running might cause some mails getting in before your user has been correctly "initialized".
If the cronjob will be executed every minute, the chance for some mails getting in before the maildir has been created will be very low, because the created alias has to be synchronized to the mailrelay first. This happens every 15 minutes.
I think the cronjob approach will be the best solution.
Sebastian Ganschow Königsberger Str. 17 45770 Marl Germany
Phone: +49 2365 9 24 96 76 Mobile: +49 172 2 47 41 44 Mail: sebastian@ganschow.name -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
iD8DBQFGuMbIKWhY+QthhLYRAr0oAJ95wCphT67fVKJUZS05mxKqBVlKkwCdG1IG /ble5it+wMW7rF7YVxKps9Q= =WkL8 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
Sebastian Ganschow wrote:
If the cronjob will be executed every minute, the chance for some mails getting in before the maildir has been created will be very low, because the created alias has to be synchronized to the mailrelay first. This happens every 15 minutes.
I think the cronjob approach will be the best solution.
am i missing something ? i am using postfixadmin+dovecot+dovecot-LDA and i thought the spam-folder gets created the moment there's spam to be delivered in the spam-folder
so why not just simply have a global sieve-file ?
i used these 2 pages for my setup : http://wiki.dovecot.org/HowTo/DovecotLDAPostfixAdminMySQL http://workaround.org/articles/ispmail-etch/#sieve-filtering-out-spam
albinootje schrieb:
Sebastian Ganschow wrote:
If the cronjob will be executed every minute, the chance for some mails getting in before the maildir has been created will be very low, because the created alias has to be synchronized to the mailrelay first. This happens every 15 minutes.
I think the cronjob approach will be the best solution.
am i missing something ? i am using postfixadmin+dovecot+dovecot-LDA and i thought the spam-folder gets created the moment there's spam to be delivered in the spam-folder
so why not just simply have a global sieve-file ?
i used these 2 pages for my setup : http://wiki.dovecot.org/HowTo/DovecotLDAPostfixAdminMySQL http://workaround.org/articles/ispmail-etch/#sieve-filtering-out-spam
Hi, i am creating/testing existance folders with maildrop and /etc/maildroprc as global script, this works if you use maildrop as transport in postfix,
with deliver as transport perhaps this works, a global sieve script should do the job, ie test if a folder exist, if not create it, as i.e postfixadmin sends a welcome mail to new users the desired folders should exist/created with that mail you may also create a standart move to spam folder sieve rule that way
from http://wiki.dovecot.org/LDA/Sieve#head-46de5c4f4dfd63725c8cd299573cc0dcbc3fa...
Include scripts
With v1.1 it's possible to include other Sieve scripts in your script:
require ["include"]; include :global "global-spam.sieve"; include :personal "my-own-spam.sieve";
protocol lda { # .. sieve_global_dir = /etc/dovecot/sieve/ }
Mit freundlichen Gruessen Best Regards
Robert Schetterer
Germany/Bavaria/Munich -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
iD8DBQFGuNWzfGH2AvR16oERAjvgAJ4o0bUmOzTTqp66yLYfHmXcuC15lwCfc1vE nAVMSMlpA10sO4T7Z+qO9QY= =cmts -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
albinootje schrieb:
am i missing something ? i am using postfixadmin+dovecot+dovecot-LDA and i thought the spam-folder gets created the moment there's spam to be delivered in the spam-folder
so why not just simply have a global sieve-file ?
i used these 2 pages for my setup : http://wiki.dovecot.org/HowTo/DovecotLDAPostfixAdminMySQL http://workaround.org/articles/ispmail-etch/#sieve-filtering-out-spam
The global sieve-filter file won't work on my system, but if I configure a per user sieve-file with the rule, the spam folder will be created.
If I'll get the global filter working, it would the perfect solution.
Sebastian Ganschow Königsberger Str. 17 45770 Marl Germany
Phone: +49 2365 9 24 96 76 Mobile: +49 172 2 47 41 44 Mail: sebastian@ganschow.name -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
iD8DBQFGuNYcKWhY+QthhLYRAjqwAJ9Rmup8RLg+M7oI3z7PguqTX2onagCeOi3t 5jAKwRFdZ5sMptklNZ7zl90= =y837 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
Sebastian Ganschow schrieb:
albinootje schrieb:
am i missing something ? i am using postfixadmin+dovecot+dovecot-LDA and i thought the spam-folder gets created the moment there's spam to be delivered in the spam-folder
so why not just simply have a global sieve-file ?
i used these 2 pages for my setup : http://wiki.dovecot.org/HowTo/DovecotLDAPostfixAdminMySQL http://workaround.org/articles/ispmail-etch/#sieve-filtering-out-spam
The global sieve-filter file won't work on my system, but if I configure a per user sieve-file with the rule, the spam folder will be created.
If I'll get the global filter working, it would the perfect solution.
so do you have any idea why global sieve-filter file does not work with your system?
Mit freundlichen Gruessen Best Regards
Robert Schetterer
Germany/Bavaria/Munich -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
iD8DBQFGuNbdfGH2AvR16oERAu6gAJ9opSqXewNY/1tEbm5/NBTjIFU5BwCaA02Z LV5ZxJbfjAOKCGk8QHls5Ik= =12WU -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
Robert Schetterer schrieb:
so do you have any idea why global sieve-filter file does not work with your system?
No I've got no idea.
dovecot.conf: <snip> protocol lda { mail_plugin= quota, cmusieve global_script_path = /var/vmail/globalsieverc } </snip>
/var/vmal/globalsieverc: require ["fileinto"]; # Move spam to spam folder if exists "X-Spam-Flag" { fileinto "spam"; # Stop here so that we do not reply on spams stop; }
Is there anything else I need to configure?
Sebastian Ganschow Königsberger Str. 17 45770 Marl Germany
Phone: +49 2365 9 24 96 76 Mobile: +49 172 2 47 41 44 Mail: sebastian@ganschow.name -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
iD8DBQFGuNppKWhY+QthhLYRAoaZAKCWkYT9G9saoQrzzEAwFWW3x1JLvACglvdL Z0bDAOsI3Zji4/U2bQu0eCY= =vQOu -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
On Tue, 7 Aug 2007, Sebastian Ganschow wrote:
/var/vmal/globalsieverc: require ["fileinto"]; # Move spam to spam folder if exists "X-Spam-Flag" { fileinto "spam"; # Stop here so that we do not reply on spams stop; }
Is there anything else I need to configure?
The compiled script needs to be written there by the user. Is it there? If not: you might pre-compile it with sievec (as root). If yes: I'm not sure, if Sieve errors can happen, when the script is already compiled; I'd enable a+wx permission for testing purpose on /var/vmail.
BTW: There are mail systems that also set "X-Spam-Flag: no" ;-) Do you remove this flag on incoming mails?
Steffen Kaiser -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
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Steffen Kaiser schrieb:
The compiled script needs to be written there by the user. Is it there? If not: you might pre-compile it with sievec (as root). If yes: I'm not sure, if Sieve errors can happen, when the script is already compiled; I'd enable a+wx permission for testing purpose on /var/vmail.
I've tried it just yet, but it doesn't change anythin. With verbose logging there's no sign that the globalsieve file is used.
BTW: There are mail systems that also set "X-Spam-Flag: no" ;-) Do you remove this flag on incoming mails?
No, it isn't removed right now. But the spam checks are performed on the mail-relay and currently i'm testing without the mail-relay.
Sebastian Ganschow Königsberger Str. 17 45770 Marl Germany
Phone: +49 2365 9 24 96 76 Mobile: +49 172 2 47 41 44 Mail: sebastian@ganschow.name -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
iD8DBQFGufEbKWhY+QthhLYRAtRPAKCaCl68I+nZIii2/LJinm8JpkspCQCeLUh1 ucODogkeBLn253OSr2S9nRU= =2NXt -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
Sebastian Ganschow schrieb:
Steffen Kaiser schrieb:
The compiled script needs to be written there by the user. Is it there? If not: you might pre-compile it with sievec (as root). If yes: I'm not sure, if Sieve errors can happen, when the script is already compiled; I'd enable a+wx permission for testing purpose on /var/vmail.
I've tried it just yet, but it doesn't change anythin. With verbose logging there's no sign that the globalsieve file is used.
Even if I set "global_script_dir = /var/vmail" dovecot won't use the global filter.
Sebastian Ganschow Königsberger Str. 17 45770 Marl Germany
Phone: +49 2365 9 24 96 76 Mobile: +49 172 2 47 41 44 Mail: sebastian@ganschow.name -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
iD8DBQFGufMsKWhY+QthhLYRAiL2AKCZN5OfEKx/VUvY9tEBXoffCpRudACgog8E 6nrY5lpeRwko6zs1N5eovWI= =T6OF -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
"SG" == Sebastian Ganschow <sebastian@ganschow.name> writes:
SG> Even if I set "global_script_dir = /var/vmail" dovecot won't use
SG> the global filter.
shell$ cd dovecot-sieve-1.0.2 shell$ find . -type f -name \*.[ch] -print0 | xargs -0 grep -i -e global_script ./src/cmusieve-plugin.c: script_path = getenv("GLOBAL_SCRIPT_PATH");
Have you tried
global_script_path = /var/vmail/script.sieve
Note that the var name is _path not _dir, and the value should be a script file not a directory.
I'm just jumping in here mid-thread so apologies if I'm misunderstanding the nature of your problem.
On Wed, 2007-08-08 at 18:36 +0200, Sebastian Ganschow wrote:
Steffen Kaiser schrieb:
The compiled script needs to be written there by the user. Is it there? If not: you might pre-compile it with sievec (as root). If yes: I'm not sure, if Sieve errors can happen, when the script is already compiled; I'd enable a+wx permission for testing purpose on /var/vmail.
I've tried it just yet, but it doesn't change anythin. With verbose logging there's no sign that the globalsieve file is used.
Set mail_debug=yes. Make deliver log its info and errors to a single file:
protocol lda { log_path = /var/log/deliver.log info_log_path = /var/log/deliver.log }
Now after trying to deliver a mail, what does the log contain?
Timo Sirainen schrieb:
Set mail_debug=yes. Make deliver log its info and errors to a single file:
protocol lda { log_path = /var/log/deliver.log info_log_path = /var/log/deliver.log }
Now after trying to deliver a mail, what does the log contain?
The logfile contains the following lines:
deliver(test1@testdomain.de): Aug 08 23:22:58 Info: Loading modules from directory: /usr/lib/dovecot/lda deliver(test1@testdomain.de): Aug 08 23:22:58 Info: Module loaded: /usr/lib/dovecot/lda/lib10_quota_plugin.so deliver(test1@testdomain.de): Aug 08 23:22:58 Info: Module loaded: /usr/lib/dovecot/lda/lib90_cmusieve_plugin.so deliver(test1@testdomain.de): Aug 08 23:22:58 Info: auth input: test1@testdomain.de deliver(test1@testdomain.de): Aug 08 23:22:58 Info: auth input: home=/var/vmail/test1@testdomain.de/ deliver(test1@testdomain.de): Aug 08 23:22:58 Info: auth input: mail=maildir:/var/vmail/test1@testdomain.de/ deliver(test1@testdomain.de): Aug 08 23:22:58 Info: auth input: uid=101 deliver(test1@testdomain.de): Aug 08 23:22:58 Info: auth input: gid=12 deliver(test1@testdomain.de): Aug 08 23:22:58 Info: auth input: quota=maildir:storage=1024000000 deliver(test1@testdomain.de): Aug 08 23:22:58 Info: maildir: data=/var/vmail/test1@testdomain.de/ deliver(test1@testdomain.de): Aug 08 23:22:58 Info: maildir: root=/var/vmail/test1@testdomain.de, index=/var/vmail/test1@testdomain.de, control=, inbox= deliver(test1@testdomain.de): Aug 08 23:22:58 Info: cmusieve: Using sieve path: /var/vmail/test1@testdomain.de//.dovecot.sieve deliver(test1@testdomain.de): Aug 08 23:22:58 Info: cmusieve: Executing script /var/vmail/test1@testdomain.de//.dovecot.sievec deliver(test1@testdomain.de): Aug 08 23:22:58 Info: msgid=<20070808212224.EE3C5CF581@fb5mailserver.testdomain.de>: saved mail to INBOX
Nothing that indicates the usage of the global sieve file.
For the test I've set the permissions of /var/vmail and the filter file to 777. Owner of the directory an the filter file is user vmail with group mail.
Sebastian Ganschow Königsberger Str. 17 45770 Marl Germany
Phone: +49 2365 9 24 96 76 Mobile: +49 172 2 47 41 44 Mail: sebastian@ganschow.name -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
On Wed, 8 Aug 2007, Sebastian Ganschow wrote:
deliver(test1@testdomain.de): Aug 08 23:22:58 Info: cmusieve: Using sieve path: /var/vmail/test1@testdomain.de//.dovecot.sieve deliver(test1@testdomain.de): Aug 08 23:22:58 Info: cmusieve: Executing script /var/vmail/test1@testdomain.de//.dovecot.sievec
Dovecot-LDA is using _one_ script, when there is an user Sieve script, the global one is _not_ used.
Steffen Kaiser -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
iQEVAwUBRrq2By9SORjhbDpvAQKMLwf/ejZObQJYslAMDZmt7pAIqBBjOEmRIBvt 4V6qXbR1XDJxuo6lxCW5+YQHurImPLdZJzprdNWGDlGWG9t5EanYXwOh8bGqkUgV WFr8X+jL8zv60iBxnYHo2lt5MPKxsD8Nbzqr5lSNi01G9UpST4uHsJB149JdwfBt keJ6zoC+RJBXrjkLM8sIE3jZsCY9Q8gLWpNRB9nsGWQ+P2B7OiLaH3i0JyYG+lW2 6LTDJz2sMjCdFpSEsQu5K/IpWtLdlmjgt7FJax9sN8HRP5Q0NXJOuv7zCuTFIxJB d2IewvbAUQ2Wl7+xx5mJaO8GAYCzj5NbOvlH627YPz+A4QYwxVTp1A== =H2Ke -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
Steffen Kaiser schrieb:
Dovecot-LDA is using _one_ script, when there is an user Sieve script, the global one is _not_ used.
Okay now it works.
But if the user creates his own rules, he also needs to create the spam rule. Otherwise his spam won't be delivered to the spam folder. I'm not really sure, if this is the solution i'd like to have.
Sebastian Ganschow Königsberger Str. 17 45770 Marl Germany
Phone: +49 2365 9 24 96 76 Mobile: +49 172 2 47 41 44 Mail: sebastian@ganschow.name -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
iD8DBQFGusakKWhY+QthhLYRAki0AJ4xQvDRO6fnhdAgkA94O7WyHh0BvwCfe8Dn EtfAUNIlrz3/1yD8pYbzWPQ= =5Dg4 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
On Thu, 9 Aug 2007, Sebastian Ganschow wrote:
But if the user creates his own rules, he also needs to create the spam rule. Otherwise his spam won't be delivered to the spam folder. I'm not really sure, if this is the solution i'd like to have.
Yeah ;-) It's my impression, too.
I was on the way to make a patch for this situation, but Timo has moved on to another version for the next versions of Dovecot-sieve, which I have not looked into.
Steffen Kaiser
FH Bonn-Rhein-Sieg | e-mail: Steffen.Kaiser@FH-Bonn-Rhein-Sieg.DE FB Informatik | Grantham-Allee 20 | phone : +49 2241/865-203 53757 Sankt Augustin | Germany - Deutschland | fax : +49 2241/865-8203
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On Thu, 2007-08-09 at 10:01 +0200, Steffen Kaiser wrote:
On Thu, 9 Aug 2007, Sebastian Ganschow wrote:
But if the user creates his own rules, he also needs to create the spam rule. Otherwise his spam won't be delivered to the spam folder. I'm not really sure, if this is the solution i'd like to have.
Yeah ;-) It's my impression, too.
I was on the way to make a patch for this situation, but Timo has moved on to another version for the next versions of Dovecot-sieve, which I have not looked into.
The new Sieve supports include feature, so it should be somewhat easy to support automatic includes. I think.
Timo Sirainen schrieb:
The new Sieve supports include feature, so it should be somewhat easy to support automatic includes. I think.
Will this support be included in dovecot 1.1?
Sebastian Ganschow Königsberger Str. 17 45770 Marl Germany
Phone: +49 2365 9 24 96 76 Mobile: +49 172 2 47 41 44 Mail: sebastian@ganschow.name -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
iD8DBQFGuuc3KWhY+QthhLYRAmb2AJ94LgCw53xrzQE0mmRN69r3MOdZxQCeO0kw DD2eBKf5X6De/Ft3UD+pIg8= =VPmo -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
On Thu, 2007-08-09 at 12:06 +0200, Sebastian Ganschow wrote:
Timo Sirainen schrieb:
The new Sieve supports include feature, so it should be somewhat easy to support automatic includes. I think.
Will this support be included in dovecot 1.1?
Includes are already in dovecot-sieve v1.1 (which works only with Dovecot v1.1). I don't know about automatic includes, I'm not really planning on implementing them myself.
Sebastian Ganschow schrieb:
Steffen Kaiser schrieb:
Dovecot-LDA is using _one_ script, when there is an user Sieve script, the global one is _not_ used.
Okay now it works.
But if the user creates his own rules, he also needs to create the spam rule. Otherwise his spam won't be delivered to the spam folder. I'm not really sure, if this is the solution i'd like to have.
it should be possible to write a rule in global sieve that delivers marked spam mails into the users spam folder it can be done with maildrop, so it should work with sieve too. After all i dont think this is a good idea ( depend deeply to your setup ) cause subfolders are not "visiable" in pop3 i choose to let the users make their own sieve filters with avelsieve
Mit freundlichen Gruessen Best Regards
Robert Schetterer
Germany/Bavaria/Munich -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
iD8DBQFGutccfGH2AvR16oERAkncAJsHe++90AE9RsvGJRPagG603Nm3nQCfW63l WaS8XhzbpWIGiCyrzBAGYQ4= =ekdD -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
Le jeudi 09 août 2007 09:47, Sebastian Ganschow a écrit :
But if the user creates his own rules, he also needs to create the spam rule. Otherwise his spam won't be delivered to the spam folder. I'm not really sure, if this is the solution i'd like to have.
Why not include a default sieve script in your maildir skeleton that will take care of moving spams into the right folder then ? If the user later deletes this rule it's out of your control sure, but if you send a welcome message tell them about this rule and why it's here to help them.
Sebastian Ganschow schrieb:
Robert Schetterer schrieb:
so do you have any idea why global sieve-filter file does not work with your system?
No I've got no idea.
dovecot.conf: <snip> protocol lda { mail_plugin= quota, cmusieve global_script_path = /var/vmail/globalsieverc } </snip>
/var/vmal/globalsieverc: require ["fileinto"]; # Move spam to spam folder if exists "X-Spam-Flag" { fileinto "spam"; # Stop here so that we do not reply on spams stop; }
Is there anything else I need to configure?
you should do verbose logging to find out what happens
Mit freundlichen Gruessen Best Regards
Robert Schetterer
Germany/Bavaria/Munich -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
iD8DBQFGuXAMfGH2AvR16oERAiLXAJ9PBVoPwhMX+izHXgjjA0rbOh+94gCeNdgW //ddnno86NpGxkwsvNMQblQ= =dZuc -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
Why not just do this with a post-logon script?
This would only work, if the user logs in before he gets the first mail.
Ahh, right, sorry... this would not be the best way anyway, since as someone else pointed out, the script would run every time the user logged in.
Then as someone else pointed out, the best way would be the user creation utility, or maybe the LDA... what do you use for deliver?
Best regards,
Sebastian Ganschow spake the following on 8/7/2007 9:38 AM:
Patrick Ben Koetter schrieb:
- Sebastian Ganschow <sebastian@ganschow.name>:
If your OS uses /etc/skel to build new users from (many do), you can create it there. Most OSs that use /etc/skel merely copy files from there, then chown them to the appropriate user and group. Perms shouldn't be modified. It would work if the users weren't virtual. There are only virtual users on
Peter Hessler schrieb: the mail system. That's no problem either. The question is: Are you looking for an automated process or does "cp -a template_maildir/ /srv/mail/newuser/" the job?
It should be automated.
A possible solution would be a cronjob, which checks every few minutes if there is a new user without a maildir. But this requires that the user hasn't logged on before the cronjob is executed.
Another approach is to check every maildir for an existing .Spam folder and a .dovecot.sieve file and create both if they don't exist.
If dovecot couldn't do this by itself, I'm going to realize it with a cronjob.
What are you using to create users? MAybe you could add something to the user creation system.
MailScanner is like deodorant... You hope everybody uses it, and you notice quickly if they don't!!!!
Scott Silva schrieb:
What are you using to create users? MAybe you could add something to the user creation system.
I'm using postfixAdmin but I don't want to modify it.
Sebastian Ganschow Königsberger Str. 17 45770 Marl Germany
Phone: +49 2365 9 24 96 76 Mobile: +49 172 2 47 41 44 Mail: sebastian@ganschow.name -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
Hello Sebastian,
Sebastian Ganschow, 07.08.2007 (d.m.y):
Scott Silva schrieb:
What are you using to create users? MAybe you could add something to the user creation system.
I'm using postfixAdmin but I don't want to modify it.
What you could do is create a wrapper script that
- invokes postfixAdmin and after that
- creates the maildirs as needed.
Keep it simple!
Gruss/Regards, Christian Schmidt
-- You have no real enemies.
Christian Schmidt schrieb:
Hello Sebastian,
Sebastian Ganschow, 07.08.2007 (d.m.y):
Scott Silva schrieb:
What are you using to create users? MAybe you could add something to the user creation system. I'm using postfixAdmin but I don't want to modify it.
What you could do is create a wrapper script that
- invokes postfixAdmin and after that
- creates the maildirs as needed.
Keep it simple!
Gruss/Regards, Christian Schmidt
That would mean to sudo apache to create maildirs this would be complex to code in postfixadmin ( have to be php crack ) cause its not designed to create maildir that way, also it would break the chance to have the web gui , database , smtp server on different physical machines.....and end ito very complex setups.
postfixadmin sends a welcome mail, the idea to create needed stuff with that mail is ok , and it work if you have maildrop/procmail as transport ( using a global script )
Mit freundlichen Gruessen Best Regards
Robert Schetterer
Germany/Bavaria/Munich -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
On Wed, 8 Aug 2007, Robert Schetterer wrote:
Christian Schmidt schrieb:
Hello Sebastian,
Sebastian Ganschow, 07.08.2007 (d.m.y):
Scott Silva schrieb:
What are you using to create users? MAybe you could add something to the user creation system. I'm using postfixAdmin but I don't want to modify it.
What you could do is create a wrapper script that
- invokes postfixAdmin and after that
- creates the maildirs as needed.
Keep it simple!
Gruss/Regards, Christian Schmidt
That would mean to sudo apache to create maildirs this would be complex to code in postfixadmin ( have to be php crack ) cause its not designed to create maildir that way, also it would break the chance to have the web gui , database , smtp server on different physical machines.....and end ito very complex setups.
postfixadmin sends a welcome mail, the idea to create needed stuff with that mail is ok , and it work if you have maildrop/procmail as transport ( using a global script )
FWIW, it also works using the dovecot lda and sieve. Sending the welcome message from pfa causes postfix to make the necessary maildir structure when the message gets delivered.
Hope this helps,
-- Tom Diehl tdiehl@rogueind.com Spamtrap address mtd123@rogueind.com
participants (15)
Charles Marcus
Christian Schmidt
Patrick Ben Koetter
Peter Hessler
Robert Schetterer
Scott Silva
Sebastian Ganschow
Steffen Kaiser
Steffen Kaiser
Timo Sirainen
Tom Diehl
Udo Rader