[Dovecot] Problem with excel and word attachements ?
We are in (random) troubles with some emails that contains word and excel attachements ( others attachements are OK )
I don't really think Dovecot is implied in this trouble but I want to be sure ...
The problem is users cannot open attachements from their clients ( thunderbird 3.1 ) it stays in "download" mode until timeout.
Maybe there is a Dovecot's workaround to solve that boring problem ?
Thank you
Am 02.11.2010 09:34, schrieb Frank Bonnet:
last time i had that trouble with pdf it was a network problem with a nic adapter on windows, try test with another imap client from another computer on another network i.e some imap webmail client on the server for verify also check all relevant antivir solutions and/or proxies that may involved
hint, we dont allow *.doc directly as attach etc for security, such stuff must compressed , easy rule with postfix body check
-- Best Regards
MfG Robert Schetterer
On 2010-11-02 4:34 AM, Frank Bonnet wrote:
The problem is users cannot open attachements from their clients ( thunderbird 3.1 ) it stays in "download" mode until timeout.
There are known problems with Thunderbird 3.x and attachments. Many have been solved with 3.1.x, but some still persist.
Setting the following prefs in user.js helps a lot:
user_pref("mail.imap.fetch_by_chunks", false); user_pref("mail.server.default.fetch_by_chunks", false; user_pref("mail.imap.mime_parts_on_demand", false); user_pref("mail.server.default.parts_on_demand", false);
You'll need to restart Thunderbird then 'repair' the folder holding the affected messages (usually the Inbox) after setting these.
Maybe there is a Dovecot's workaround to solve that boring problem ?
Don't think so...
Best regards,
participants (3)
Charles Marcus
Frank Bonnet
Robert Schetterer