[Dovecot] Missing i_stream_unref in imap_msgpart_crlf_seek()?
imap_msgpart_crlf_seek() returns an error stream in case of problems in message_skip_virtual(). The original input stream is not being unreferenced, preventing destroy callbacks from being executed.
Shouldn't we have an i_stream_unref(&input) here:
src/lib-imap-storage/imap-msgpart.c: 398 if (message_skip_virtual(input, virtual_skip, &cr_skipped) < 0) { 399 errinput = i_stream_create_error(errno); 400 i_stream_set_name(errinput, i_stream_get_name(input)); 401 return errinput; 402 }
Best regards, Tomasz Potęga
[Wirtualna Polska] http://www.wp.pl
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On 6.11.2013, at 11.31, Tomasz Potega tpotega@wp-sa.pl wrote:
imap_msgpart_crlf_seek() returns an error stream in case of problems in message_skip_virtual(). The original input stream is not being unreferenced, preventing destroy callbacks from being executed.
Shouldn't we have an i_stream_unref(&input) here:
src/lib-imap-storage/imap-msgpart.c: 398 if (message_skip_virtual(input, virtual_skip, &cr_skipped) < 0) { 399 errinput = i_stream_create_error(errno); 400 i_stream_set_name(errinput, i_stream_get_name(input)); 401 return errinput; 402 }
participants (2)
Timo Sirainen
Tomasz Potega