Re: [Dovecot] user name translation
I'v read about this for virtual users bus were do i put this for pam authentication
but i'm using the /etc/schadow file by pam so were do i implement te %n .
in the dovecot.conf or the pam.d/dovecot
or is there a new line in the updated verson of dovecot.
On Tue, 28 Mar 2006 09:15:04 +0100, Daniel Watts wrote
jasper wrote:
i have the next question i like to authenticate users only by user ant not by user@domain <mailto:user@domain>
i'm using pam for authentication the users are stored bij first lette for name then back name
J.Hendriks so no domain included.
bu i want them to login as J.Hendriks@domain <mailto:J.Hendriks@domain> so i kan use the same user for more domains
in diverent mail folders b.v. mail_folder= home/%d/%u
but now pam is authenticating as user name J.Hendriks@domain <mailto:J.Hendriks@domain> and not J.Hendriks.
is there a way to cut of @domain from name.
use %n for the username part of Daniel
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