Re: [Dovecot] Upgrading known problems (2.0 to 2.1) ?
7 May
7 May
11:36 p.m.
Yes, that's possible. The IMAP/POP3 servers behind Dovecot director wouldn't even need to be Dovecots at all. Although you really want to use v2.1 director since it has a lot of fixes compared to v2.0.
On 8.5.2012, at 0.02, Jean Michel wrote:
Thanks, an other thing is that I didnt saw anything about a cenario like this, its possible to have a director working on 2.0 and a backend with 2.1 simultaneously and vice-versa?
2012/5/7 Timo Sirainen <> On 7.5.2012, at 23.21, Jean Michel wrote:
Is there any known/possible problem while upgrading from dovecot 2.0 to 2.1 ? Did anybody had any trouble with this ? lists all known problems.
Jean Michel Feltrin
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Timo Sirainen