[Dovecot] Hardlink with Maildir a brief help
Hi to all, my question is:
Is possible implementing SIS (with hardlink) with maildir instead of *dbox format?
If yes in dovecot.conf it's only necessary the below parameters or what else?
mail_attachment_dir = /var/qmail/attachments
I have also acting the zlib plugin it is not a problem isn't it?
Thanks in advance for any response
-- */Davide Marchi /Teorema Ferrara Srl /(Tel: /**/+39 0532 783161)/**/ (Fax: +/**/39 0532 783368/**/)/**//**/ /**//**/Davide.Marchi@mail.cgilfe.it <mailto:davide.marchi@mail.cgilfe.it?subject=Info>
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participants (2)
Timo Sirainen