dovecot 2.4 : quota config help
Hello ! My dovecot config seems to work ok for managing email, using sieve filters or encrypting emails, but I can't figure out how to use the new quota config. I'm scratching my head over that one since last week and I don't see where I have done a mistake. The quota is properly reported in sql, but when I cross the percentage limit that is supposed to trigger the quota-warning, nothing happens. And I can see that too in the logs compared to my previous 2.3 install where lmtp-server was doing its job to check the quota and trigger the warning. I'm sure that I've forgotten something quite stupid, but at that point I'm not sure if I ever will be able to spot it (and I'm also wondering if that could be a bug... in that case I could scratch my head forever without any hope of finding what's wrong). I'd post my dovecot config if some of you feel like helping, but there are so many posts with configs that do not have answer that I'm wondering if it's useful. So, should I post it or not ?
Ok.... so, as I was removing extra things that were OK but not mandatory, to get to a streamlined config with just quota, I noticed in the logs that lda was up and running despite the fact that it's not configured and that I'm using lmtp. So, I've set lda = no in protocols, and now there are logs of lmtp doing its jobs of checking quota. Is that normal that it's needed to set "lda = no" if there's no lda conf file and no "lda=yes" within protocols block ?
Solved ! I must have been very tired ;) Sorry for the kind of useless monologue.
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