[Dovecot] Can't connect to my mail server (postfix + dovecot, IMAP) with Thunderbird
I've a problem with Dovecot and Thunderbird. Actually I'm trying to setup a virtual host server mail with postfix + dovecot (2.0.9) on CentOS 6.2. This is my dovecot -n : http://pastebin.com/wZWAE5Cj (I guess the errors are not important, that's just saying there is some obsoletes values, I will fix that later until it's not inconvenient to setup correctly dovecot).
I've a file to store password (/etc/dovecot/passwd) and when I'm trying to connect with telnet to my host on port 143 it works, after I can log myself with the command «a login user@domain.tld passwd» and it works, this is the entire output of the telnet connection : http://pastebin.com/h10cQVqf but actually when I'm trying to connect with thunderbird I've an error about the password and the login, this is a screenshoot : http://images.koshie.fr/TB_problem.png and to finish, there is nothing into the log... The password and the user are corrects !
Of course, dovecot and postfix are started, this is the netstat -a | grep "dovecot" : http://pastebin.com/bwfsS4Tf
If you need more informations tell me.
PS : Excuse me for my bad english, also I'm new with dovecot.
Cordially, GASPARD Kévin
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