[Dovecot] starting with daemontools

Charlie Brady charlie_brady at mitel.com
Mon Jun 23 22:20:16 EEST 2003

On Wed, 18 Jun 2003, Jens Gutzeit wrote:

> I want to start dovecot through DJBs Daemontools-supervise, is there a
> configuration option that lets dovecot stay in foreground?

Here's my run file, which only uses the imap binary from dovecot, and does 
connection control with tcpserver, auth by imapfront-auth, and SSL using a 
modified stunnel (Scott Gifford's chroot/proxy patch):


eval $(/usr/local/bin/envdir ./runenv /usr/bin/env)

exec 2>&1
# Ensure that PRNG is adequately seeded.
[ -s ./ssl/seed ] ||\
  /usr/local/bin/envuidgid stunnel \
    /bin/dd if=/dev/urandom of=./ssl/seed bs=1k count=1
exec \
  softlimit -m "${ulimitdata:-20000000}" \
    tcpserver -d \
      -H \
      -R \
      -v \
      -X \
      -c "${concurrency:-20}" \
      -x imap.tcprules.cdb \
      0 imap \
	makesock \
	  stunnel \
	    -/ ssl \
	    -s "$SSLUID" \
	    -g "$SSLGID" \
	    -N imap \
	    -i \
	    -R seed \
	    -p imapd.pem \
	    -n imap- \
	    -f \
	    -F 3 \
	    -makesock_connect_to \
	      /usr/local/bin/envdir ./imapfront.env \
		/usr/bin/imapfront-auth \


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