[dovecot] Torture tests

Ian R. Justman ianj at ian-justman.com
Tue Mar 4 00:17:33 EET 2003

Hi, all.

I've been so impressed with Dovecot, I'm in the process of moving my mail 
over to it.  In fact, one of my mailboxes got SO huge, it'll likely 
literally take more than a day to move it all over (in excess of 19,000 
mails, about 140 megabytes).

So far, the IMAP server shows absolutely no sign of crapping out yet.

It should also be noted that I'm moving all this mail out of a Cyrus 
mailstore into an mbox folder on the same server using Pine.

And at work, for my work mail, I recently installed Dovecot 0.99.8, using 
the POP2 port so I can have test it out while not disturbing my coworkers' 
ability to retrieve mail.  So far, I have yet to see anything bad happen.

My IMAP test is taking place under Debian GNU/Linux Woody and my POP3 test 
under FreeBSD 4.7-STABLE.

Though any suggestions in what to keep an eye out for in either case?


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