[Dovecot] Index abuse

Skye Poier skye at f4.ca
Wed Apr 28 19:54:37 EEST 2004

That's great news, as I'm going to be doing server-side message nuking
as well :)  Also excited to see 1.0-test1 released!!  Go Timo!


Word on the street is Timo Sirainen said:
> On Mon, 2004-04-26 at 22:20, Rick Jones wrote:
> > To put it in context, I'm playing with server-side automatic
> > maintenance scripts for things like deleting messages more than x days
> > old from folders a, b, c, etc. (using Maildir layout). So far I'm just
> > zapping files in the cur and new directories and nothing amiss appears
> > to happen from the IMAP client's viewpoint.
> > 
> > I just wonder if I'm storing up trouble. Will the index files continue
> > to hold references to non-existent files and get bloated, or do they
> > self-clean?
> They'll clean themselves up. I wouldn't call Dovecot maildir- or
> mbox-compatible if it didn't.
> That's actually how it internally works now, Dovecot just deletes the
> mails and then calls mailbox syncing function which updates the indexes.
> New indexing code does it differently though.

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