[Dovecot] Timezone of logentries from dovecot

Quentin Garnier cube at NetBSD.org
Thu Apr 29 15:48:40 EEST 2004

Le Thu, 29 Apr 2004 14:44:35 +0200
Lars Skovgaard a ecrit :
> I don't know how to fix this, whether it's in dovecot or somewhere in a 
> system-setting. However, all other applications log their entries with 
> the systems current setting, so I suspect it's in dovecot. I would very 
> much appreciate any help on the subject.
> Btw, I'm using MacOS X 10.2 with dovecot

It's because the logging process is chrooted, doesn't have TZ env. var.
set, and doesn't have a correct /etc/localtime (or whatever your libc
uses) _inside_ the chroot directory.  Therefore its timezone is the
default, UTC (formerly known as GMT).

Quentin Garnier - cube at NetBSD.org
The NetBSD Project - http://www.NetBSD.org/

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