[Dovecot] deploying dspam

tallison at tacocat.net tallison at tacocat.net
Wed Dec 15 17:18:01 EET 2004

> tallison at tacocat.net wrote:
>> bogofilter is a C-based statistical spam filtering ..yada..yada..yada.
> However, for a larger installation, bogofilter simply won't work well,
> because it doesn't support a multiuser database (like MySQL or
> PostgreSQL).  dspam also provides several other categorization schemes
> which bogofilter doesn't have.

So one of the key differences is the lack of a database that you can query
by user?  bogofilter would probably just give each user their own wordlist
or use one wordlist to join them all.  But the pros/cons of that decision
belong elsewhere.

> I can personally confirm that dspam works great; my personal account
> stats are:
> 	filtering accuracy is	98.895% since last reset
> 	false positive rate is	0.728% since last reset

I'm not sure what you mean by a reset.

Bogofilter and SA, when they added Bayesian filtering) both exhibited a
rather retarded functionality for the first 100 emails or so.  After a bit
they began to learn.  Given that initial curve... Unless dspam starts with
a preloaded wordlist or something else, I can't imagine it's success being
significantly different at the beginning.

After training a few thousand emails, I think they all start to approach
99.999%.  But again, that's a different list.

But I'm to understand that dspam is still implimented as a
maildrop/procmail add-in?  Just like bogofilter and SpamAssassin (minus

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