[Dovecot] One final issue

Tom Ray [Lists] lists at blazestudios.com
Thu Jul 22 16:46:38 EEST 2004

This is what I have:

# Protocols we want to be serving:
#  imap imaps pop3 pop3s
protocols = imap pop3

# IP or host address where to listen in for connections. It's not currently
# possible to specify multiple addresses. "*" listens in all IPv4 
# "[::]" listens in all IPv6 interfaces, but may also listen in all IPv4
# interfaces depending on the operating system. You can specify ports with
# "host:port".
imap_listen = *
pop3_listen = *

When I run NMAP this is what I get back:

22/tcp  open  ssh
111/tcp open  rpcbind
143/tcp open  imap

Now the only time I need to uncomment something in the conf file is if I 
change it from the default settings, correct? Do I need to have anything 
setup in my xinetd.d directory?

Timo Sirainen wrote:

>On Thu, 2004-07-22 at 16:09, Tom Ray [Lists] wrote:
>>That was already configured and it still refuses to respond on port 110. 
>>I keep getting connection refused errors, when I telnet or use a mail 
>>client to access port 110....
>protocols = pop3 is the only thing that should be needed. Do you see any
>pop3-login processes? Are you sure the protocols-line wasn't just
>commented out? :)

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