[Dovecot] OS X 10.3, SSL, client connection hangs?

Dan Sully daniel at electricrain.com
Fri Mar 5 02:06:00 EET 2004

* Chad Bergeron <bergeron at brandeis.edu> shaped the electrons to say...

>Ok, I've just installed Dovecot, and got it set up in xinetd for ssl 
>and plain/pam.  Everything looks good, I even got to the point where my 
>client (mail.app) asked if I wanted to accept the new certificate I'd 
>made.  All good.  But then the imap connection seems to hang right 
>after negotiating.  Nothing shows up in my logs except a disconnect, 
>usually for inactivity.
>Has anyone else managed to set Dovecot up on 10.3, and has anyone seen 
>this issue, or ones like it?  Trying to figure out where to go from 

I'm seeing this as well, usually with malformed spam messages.

Unfortunately I've seen 0 response from Timo (or anyone else) regarding my previous queries to the list.

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