[Dovecot] imap internaldate

Payton Swick payton at repligen.com
Mon Mar 8 19:47:30 EET 2004

This is the beginning of the thread which seems to also note this bug. Was
anything ever resolved here?


Quoting Payton <payton at repligen.com>:

> I think I found a bug in dovecot which I'm not sure where to fix. (I may
> even have found a reference to it in an archived list message from Jul
> 2003.) Here is the situation:
> dovecot (dovecot- running with an imap server on an mbox
> system is queried by a local client program, like Mail.app, and is
> told the "Received" date of the message (presumably sent through
> INTERNALDATE), however, that date is being passed on in GMT (-0000)
> instead of the server or client's local time zone (EST -0500, in this
> case). Maybe it's assumed that the local client will convert this time to
> the local zone, but no clients I know actually do that.
> Anyone know how/where to fix this? Thanks!
> - Payton
> - payton at repligen.com

;; Payton Swick             ;;
;; IT Systems Administrator ;;
;; payton at repligen.com      ;;
;; 781-250-0111 x2273       ;;

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