[Dovecot] MySQL Auth and default_mail_env

David S. Madole david at madole.net
Wed Mar 10 05:09:46 EET 2004

> From: <dovecot at technicalabuse.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 8:06 PM
> Well I've tried a number of different permissions , uid , gid
> What I have are mail server permissions on the spool folders where the
> are virtual.
> The mail server runs under exim:mail and I have tried unique uid:gid and
> exim:mail uid:gid To access the directories as well as the folder
> permissions 770 750 etc.
> Dovecot is running as it's own user (imapd)
> What should they be working as ?

Well, you need the mail server and imap server both able to write to these
directories, so I would suggest putting both users in the same group and
setting the driectory permissions to 770 and group ownership to the common


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