[Dovecot] triggering multiple actions on pop-3 request

Eric S. Johansson esj at harvee.org
Thu Mar 18 04:02:10 EET 2004

Julian Melville wrote:

>>The reason for this is so that the messages 
>>retrieved by fetchmail can be filtered via an anti spam 
>>service before depositing them into the inbox.
> How about just running fetchmail in daemon mode, so it's polling for
> messages instead of running on demand? Then you don't need to worry
> about any special integration issues.

I thought of that but I'm also thinking about the user experience.  In 
the daemon mode, users have no control over polling.  In the trigger 
mode, they will have an indirect control.  Also, it cuts down on 
bandwidth usage because there's no sampling around the clock.  On the 
other hand, it does smooth out filter load which is also a good thing.

hmmm.  obviously, I will need to experiment and since the daemon mode is 
"free", it's an easy test.


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