[Dovecot] triggering multiple actions on pop-3 request

Skye Poier skye at f4.ca
Fri Mar 19 21:08:49 EET 2004

Word on the street is Eric S. Johansson said:
> I figured a fork and exec would probably be what's called for. 
> Although, I would probably want to cast off the child process and let it 
> run to completion on its own.

But, if you don't wait() then the messages it fetches will not be
avaiable in the first POP LIST.  Which may not matter in your design :)

> the best place would be a place for I have all of the necessary 
> information about the user and is a mainline pass through the code so it 
> will always be executed. 

And, after dovecot has changed its UID and chrooted (if the extra
security is desired)


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