[Dovecot] triggering multiple actions on pop-3 request

Skye Poier skye at f4.ca
Fri Mar 19 21:53:40 EET 2004

Word on the street is Eric S. Johansson said:
> another possibility (assuming I want to use the "make the user wait" 
> model) is to create a simple proxy which only handles the authentication 
> phase.  it establishes a connection with the remote server based on 
> given username and password, runs the pop3 fetch and filter, and drops 
> messages into a local maildir.  then, pass the connection to a local 
> dovecot, replaying the authentication sequence (or even bypassing given 
> that the system authenticated on a "authoritative" source) but now 
> connecting the users mail client to the dovecot pop3 server.

Yet another model, if you don't need the first LIST to block, would be
to write a simple script to "tail -f" the dovecot log file, watch for
successful auths, and then launch fetchmail for that user.  Could be
done in Perl in about 20 lines :)


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