[Dovecot] Migrating from mbox to maildir: Message ordering?

John Peacock jpeacock at rowman.com
Fri Feb 4 14:14:11 EET 2005

Ian R. Justman wrote:
> When I use a mail program to do the migration from mbox to maildir, 
> selecting "order received ascending", it works nicely, but one very 
> small problem:  When I go to look at the newly-populated folder, 
> everything is in reverse order.  I've tried it with T'bird and I've 
> tried it with Pine.  Both yield the same results.  I'm thinking the 
> issue might be with Dovecot.  Or is it a peculiarity with maildir?  Or 
> am I better off using other means to convert a mbox folder to maildir?

Message ordering works fine here (with maildir's) so perhaps it is an issue of 
nomenclature.  I use "date ascending" which probably more accurately sorts the 
messages in terms of when the sender sent the message.  The newest messages show 
up at the bottom of the list.  Is that not what you see?

Or rather, perhaps using the mail program to do the migration is interfering 
with the order.  Are you saying you are sending the messages to yourself?  This 
would create a new RECEIVED: line which would be in the order the messages were 
transferred, not(!) the order the messages were originally received.

Check out OfflineIMAP:


for transferring messages from one account to another...



John Peacock
Director of Information Research and Technology
Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group
4720 Boston Way
Lanham, MD 20706
301-459-3366 x.5010
fax 301-429-5747

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