[Dovecot] Bug?

Adam Pordzik adresseverbummelt at gmx.de
Sun Feb 13 22:02:38 EET 2005

Timo Sirainen schrieb:
> On Sat, 2005-02-05 at 19:46 +0100, Adam Pordzik wrote:
>> I noticed with different MUA (at least Thunberdird and OutlookExpress) 
>> endmost characters beeing sometimes cut-off my mails, so I assume 
>> dovecot is affected in this.
>> Is this a known bug? Is it mayby already fixed?
>> dovecot- on
> With mbox? I don't remember hearding of such a bug before (at least
> often), so it's not a very common problem. Upgrade is a good idea, there
> are tons of fixes in later versions.

Ok, thank you. Since I didn't detect any patterns when this occours I
will keep an eye on this. Updating (of the whole system) is hold off
for some days, so will report then if I recognize it again.


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