[Dovecot] ldap auth (with user and domain a different places)

Peter Clark peter-clark at bethel.edu
Mon Jan 10 21:19:39 EET 2005

On Monday 10 January 2005 20:28, Timo Boettcher wrote:
> >  If the mountain will not come to Mohammed,  Mohammed will go to the
> > mountain. Or something like that.
> Hm. Why drop a schema that is perfectly valid and matches the spirit
> of ldap just because the ldap-software is not ldap-enabled enough to
> use it?

    Why? Because it is wiser to pick your battles. :) In this case, it seems 
to me that you don't need to drop your schema, just modify it. But first of 
all, does using mailmessagestore work? If not, and if you don't want to add 
the full email address, then just add the domain name the user belongs to. 
That way you a.) can expend your energies on other battles and b.) not have 
to worry about conflicting data. 

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