[Dovecot] Dovecot Sendmail Maildir

alan premselaar alien at 12inch.com
Wed May 11 16:53:00 EEST 2005

Gabriel Granger wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm using Debian (testing) for my office mail.  I'm using sendmail  and 
> Dovecot to deliver email to clients over IMAP using mbox format.   I 
> want to move over and start using Maildir.  I know that I can use  
> different MTA's to do the job, but I really like sendmail, and I run  
> additional sendmail servers across the my internal and external  
> networks.  I'm probably being anal, but I want to keep my MTA the  same 
> across the board.  Does anyone here use sendmail + dovecot +  maildir? 
> if so what's the best way of going about this?
> Gabe


  basically, the local delivery agent (LDA) is responsible for which 
format the mail is delivered in.

a typical Sendmail LDA is procmail and with newer versions of procmail 
you can deliver in Maildir format by putting a / at the end of the 
delivery directory.

check the man pages for procmail for more details.



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