[Dovecot] Active Directory Auth

Paolo Basenghi P.Basenghi at netribe.it
Tue May 17 10:42:30 EEST 2005

Dovecot needs a password DB where to perform authentication and a user 
DB where to retrieve home directory and uid/gid.
With A.D. you can perform only the first: authorization but you should 
use Kerberos and PAM, not LDAP. Actually, a Microsoft extension to A.D. 
exists; it add unix style accounting to A.D., but I did not test it 
(ehi, it's Microsoft stuff! Do you really think it can work?  ;-)
For the user DB you should use static uid/gid and virtual mailboxes (a 
single Linux user that own all the mailboxes).

If you are interested, search the list archives to find my post where I 
rougly explained how to do it.
Sorry for my terrible english.



Ing. PAOLO BASENGHI :::: Systems & Networking Engineer
p.basenghi at netribe.it
NETRIBE srl :: Collaborative E-Business
42100 :: Reggio Emilia :: Italy :: Via della Costituzione, 27/4
ph. +39 0522 232378 :: fax +39 0522 232386 :: http://www.netribe.it
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Juan Pablo Fava wrote:

>Hi, this is my fist post  :)
>I'm trying to authenticate users to Active Directory, but I don´t know how
>to set up dovecot-ldap.conf to do this. Specially user_filter and
>pass_filter attrs.
>Does someone have this configuration working?
>Thanks in advance.

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