[Dovecot] In-memory Index file bug

Tony Kay tkay at uoregon.edu
Tue Feb 7 19:40:43 EET 2006


I am getting intermittent error messages in the log when my mail client tries to create/open a folder named ".imhoprefs". Some accounts seem to able to do it, but I have at least one that gives the log error:

Feb  7 09:29:54 acad-cl1 dovecot: imap(tkay): close() failed with index file (in-memory index): Bad file descriptor

I traced through the code, and it seems to be coming from mail_index_close() (line 1527 of mail-index.c), which seems to be attempting to close a file descriptor for an index. The funny thing is that since I am using in-memory indexes, I believe that there shouldn't be any file descriptor to close, which would explain why the close is failing...

Environment information:
- Dovecot 1.0b2
- mbox
- Environment setting:

default_mail_env = mbox:%h:INBOX=%h/.mail:INDEX=MEMORY

- Attempting to create/use a folder called mail/.imhoprefs

At first, I though the folder itself might be corrupted, so I removed it. No dice. I've checked file permissions. No problems. I honestly can't explain why some users are able to use this folder without error, and others are not.

Anthony Kay
University Computing Center
(541) 346-1719
GPG Fingerprint: B0DB D46A 60AF FAE7 A94A  5075 0CB4 4D88 9F4F 7F09

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