[Dovecot] Shared namespaces - solved

Mark Lidstone mlidstone at ngal.co.uk
Thu Mar 23 13:27:55 EET 2006

Hi Steffen,

I'm using procmail as my LDA and postfix as my MTA.  Also, in my case I need all email to any email address at my domain starting with "pr" then some numbers to go into these folders.  The reason for this is I'm trying to setup an open-source replacement for our mail-enabled Exchange Public Folders at the moment (can you believe you can't search sub-folders in Exchange Public Folders?!).

 First I created a fake user with it's own group:

	adduser public_folders

 Next, I added all the relevant users to that group:

	usermod -G public_folders john_smith
	usermod -G public_folders jon_doe

 Next, in /home/public_user/.procmailrc I put the following:

	# If any mail gets through to this account without having a project number address,
	#  put it in an "Unfiled" folder.
*	# This line just gets me the project number (also makes sure the preceding letters
*	#  are uppercase - otherwise we could end up with separate folders for pr123, Pr123,
*	#  pR123 and PR123.
*	PROJECT_NUM=`formail -xTo: | egrep -o [pP][rR][0-9]+ | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'`
	# This is not absolutely necessary, but I prefer to keep logs so I can see where
	#  emails have been stored if anything goes missing.
	# This UMASK setting is basically what you're looking for, Steffen.  The mail files
	#  on the disk are stored with mode 660.
	# Because these are public folders receiving a lot of mail, I've put in a big message
	#  ID cache.
	:0 Wh: msgid.log
	|formail -D 2097152 $MAILDIR/msgid.cache
*	# Notice that regexps in .procmailrc are case insensitive unless you specify otherwise
*	:0 H
*	* ^To: .*PR[0-9]+ at mydomain\.tld
*	{
*		# Here I basically check if the folder exists.  If not it's created with mode
*		#  770 - this is also important.
*		:0 Wic:
*		* ? test ! -d ${PROJECT_FOLDER}
*		# Make all the subfolders, or they will be made by dovecot when the first user
*		#  tries to look in there messing up the permissions on that folder.
*		|mkdir -m 770 -p ${PROJECT_FOLDER}/new;\
*			mkdir -m 770 ${PROJECT_FOLDER}/cur;\
*			mkdir -m 770 ${PROJECT_FOLDER}/tmp
*		# And here I finally store the email
*		:0:
*	}

 Make sure the file has mode 0600 public_folders:public_folders or procmail will ignore it.

 Next, I had to set the following permission on the public_folders home folder:

	chmod 770 /home/public_folders

 Next, I put the following namespace into /usr/local/etc/dovecot.conf:

	namespace public {
		separator = /
		prefix = Public/
		location = maildir:/home/public_folders/Maildir:INDEX=%h/Maildir/public_folders/indexes:CONTROL=%h/Maildir/public_folders/control
		inbox = no
		hidden = no

 Next, I made sure the relevant folder structure existed with the right permissions (I cheated and did this as root):

	cd /home/public_folders
	mkdir -p Maildir/new
	cd Maildir
	mkdir cur
	mkdir tmp
	mkdir -p .Unfiled/new
	mkdir .Unfiled/cur
	mkdir .Unfiled/tmp
	for file in `find`; do
	 chown public_folders:public_folders $file
	 if [ -d $file ]; then
	  chmod 770 $file
	  chmod 660 $file

*Next, I made a file called /etc/postfix/virtual.pcre with the following content:
*	/^[pP][rR][0-9]+ at mydomain\.tld/	public_folders at localhost
*And finally I put the following into /etc/postfix/main.cf:
*	virtual_alias_maps = pcre:/etc/postfix/virtual.pcre, hash:/etc/postfix/virtual

Then I restarted postfix and away I went.  Now when someone sends an email to "pr123 at mydomain.tld" it gets put into the relevant project folder under the "public _folders" maildir.

If you don't need the automated project filing, ignore the lines with a * at the start.

I hope someone finds this helpful.

Many thanks,

Mark Lidstone
IT Administrator

BMT Nigel Gee & Associates Ltd
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-----Original Message-----
From: dovecot-bounces at dovecot.org [mailto:dovecot-bounces at dovecot.org]On
Behalf Of Steffen Kaiser
Sent: 23 March 2006 08:29
To: dovecot at dovecot.org
Subject: RE: [Dovecot] Shared namespaces - solved

On Wed, 22 Mar 2006, Mark Lidstone wrote:

How do you get the permissions of the mails the right way?


Steffen Kaiser


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