[Dovecot] managesieve daemon

Timothy White dovecot.user at weirdo.bur.st
Fri May 5 03:54:44 EEST 2006

> >
> > dovecot-lda creates missing folders if needed.
> >
> > darix
> >
> Yes, it does, but what he was asking for was something that would
> automatically filter a mailing list message to a folder for that list,
> without having to write the sieve rules directly.

Not knowing the Sieve syntax my self, would it provide a bit of
'regex' and substitution? If so, then it would be a matter of a filter
that found the mailing list headers, extracted the mailing list name,
and then substituted that in for the folder name. Dovecot LDA makes
the required folders as needed... Somehow, I don't think it's in there
though ;-)

> An interesting idea, but I can't say that I have ever seen anything to do
> that. Within SquirrelMail, you also have the problem then of the new
> folder not being subscribed and thus not showing up in their folder list.

Is this not a problem for most IMAP clients? Maybe if Dovecot LDA
added all newly created folders to the subscription file. It would
also be nice, if we had some forced folder subscriptions, or other
backends for folder subscription (MySQL would be nice).

Linux Counter user #273956

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