[Dovecot] dovecot LDA w/virtual domains and postfix

Andreas Martin ama at inmedias.it
Fri May 5 10:30:31 EEST 2006

Hi Leah.

Leah Cunningham wrote:
> However, I must be missing something.  I get the following when trying to send 
> the user a message:
>  setuid(1015) failed: Operation not permitted

Which one reports this error, Postfix or Dovecot?

> Doing 'postmap -q leah at frauerpower.com ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap-mailbox.cf' 
> returns 'frauerpower.com/leah/mail/' which, in the non LDA mode worked okay, 
> plonking the mail under /var/vmail/domains/frauerpower.com/leah/mail

AFAIK Dovecot doesn't care about the return value of the Postfix
LDAP-Query, so this is irrelevant for Dovecot.



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