[Dovecot] APPEND fails

Dirk Müller pflapf at googlemail.com
Tue Jun 26 15:09:08 EEST 2007

hi list,

i wrote a small tool in java which transfers all mails from one
imap-server account to another imap-server account using the
javax.mail API.

when i use cyrus as source and destination imap server
everything is fine.
when i use dovecot as destination server occasionally exceptions
occur when appending the mails. i was not able to see what's
really going wrong so i used wireshark to get the imap command
that fails:

A23 APPEND INBOX.MYSUBFOLDER () "14-Mar-2007 14:20:45 +0100" {0+}
A23 NO Append aborted.

this is easy to check via telnet, always the same error.
i'm not sure why the javax.mail API uses the "{0+}" but
somehow it occurs every now and then.
sending this command to a cyrus imap server does not fail.

any idea? is this a javax.mail problem?

thanks and best regards,

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