[Dovecot] mail_chroot problems / dovecot 1.1rc4

Michal Soltys soltys at ziu.info
Thu Apr 3 11:33:48 EEST 2008


I've noticed a little strange behaviour of that option. For example with
following settings:

system user: admin, with its home directory as /home/admin
dovecot options: as reported by dovecot -n (in attachment)

dovecot will try to chroot into /home/home/admin with the following 
message in logs, in my case:

Fatal: chdir(/home/home/admin) failed with uid 1999: No such file or

The same happens if I use per-user chroot= option in userdb, f.e. in 

I've noticed it's just now, as I've always used explicit chroot dirs
specified through passwd-file with /./ (which works perfectly fine, 
except harmless double slashes in logs), and didn't bother with single 
system user (I made some chroot/lock related bugreports in distant 
1.0rcXX past).



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