[Dovecot] Script: Moving Maildirs between servers

Peter Lindgren peter at norrskenkonsult.com
Sun Feb 1 11:04:44 EET 2009

Peter Lindgren skrev:
> I thought I'd share my migration script with you folks. If there's an
> interest to put it on the wiki I can do that, but I'm not sure in what
> page.

Slight bug: The script didn't create a Trash folder.
Add the following rows before the echo " done." row in the user folder loop:

       echo -n "."
       mkdir -p -m 700 .Trash/tmp
       mkdir -p -m 700 .Trash/new
       mkdir -p -m 700 .Trash/cur
       chown ${username} .Trash
       chown ${username} .Trash/tmp
       chown ${username} .Trash/new
       chown ${username} .Trash/cur

Peter Lindgren

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