[Dovecot] Migration questions...

Lou Duchez lou at paprikash.com
Tue May 12 16:24:47 EEST 2009

Blast, forgot something: the "Simple.pm" referenced in the script is 
this thing:


Download it, compile it, put it somewhere that the script can find it.

> I don't know whether this would help with the migration, but I 
> routinely solve a similar problem.  I have implemented mail failover 
> between two servers -- which are configured with identical sets of 
> mailboxes -- and every 10 minutes or so, a script grabs any E-Mails 
> from the other server and stores them locally in the proper 
> mailboxes.  This script relies on IMAP connectivity and passwords in 
> plaintext in a passwd-file.  Here it is:
> ---
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> require '/vmail/Simple.pm';
> use Net::SMTP;
> $passwdfile = "/path/to/passwd-file";
> $remoteserver = "myotherserver.com";
> open(FIN, $passwdfile);
> @pwlines = (<FIN>);
> close(FIN);
> for ($i = 0; $i <= $#pwlines; $i++)
> {
>  @pwflds = split(/[:]/, $pwlines[$i]);
>  if ($#pwflds == 3)
>  {
>    @pwparts = split(/[}]/, $pwflds[1]);
>    if ($#pwparts == 1)
>    {
>      $thislogin = $pwflds[0];
>      $thispassword = $pwparts[1];
>      transfermail($remoteserver, $thislogin, $thispassword);
>    }
>  }
> }
> sub transfermail
> {
>  my $remoteserver = $_[0];
>  my $thislogin = $_[1];
>  my $thispassword = $_[2];
>  print $remoteserver, " - ", $thislogin, " - ", $thispassword, "\n";
>  my $server = new Net::IMAP::Simple( $remoteserver );
>  my $login_status = $server->login( $thislogin, $thispassword );
>  if ($login_status)
>  {
>    my $number_of_messages = $server->select("INBOX");
>    print $thislogin, " - ", $number_of_messages, " messages.\n";
>    my $msg;
>    for ($msg = 1; $msg <= $number_of_messages; $msg++)
>    {
>      $ok = 1;
>      $lines = $server->get( $msg ) or $ok = 0;
>      $smtp = Net::SMTP->new("") or $ok = 0;
>      $smtp->mail($thislogin) or $ok = 0;
>      $smtp->recipient($thislogin) or $ok = 0;
>      $smtp->data() or $ok = 0;
>      $smtp->datasend(@$lines) or $ok = 0;
>      $smtp->dataend() or $ok = 0;
>      $smtp->quit or $ok = 0;
>      if ($ok)
>      {
>        $server->delete( $msg );
>      }
>    }
>  }
>  else
>  {
>    print $thislogin, " - could not log in.\n";
>  }
>  $server->quit();
> }
> 1;

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