[Dovecot] moving mail from private inbox to public folder kills the latter

Tamas Kadar tamas.kadar at espell.com
Wed Aug 11 18:52:53 EEST 2010


I've ran into something rather nasty: if a user moves a mail from its 
inbox to a public folder, the folder becomes inaccessible for others, 
because the moved file will have the the permission 600 instead of 777 
(or 666) which the rest of the emails have in the folder.

How can I change this behavior so when he moves the mail it 
automatically becomes world-readable? Also why one mail kills the whole 

Here's the error I get:
failed: Permission denied (euid=1000(ktamas) egid=1000(ktamas) missing 
+r perm: 
euid is not dir owner)

Thanks and best regards

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