[Dovecot] Performance-Tuning

Peer Heinlein p.heinlein at heinlein-support.de
Mon Nov 14 11:34:02 EET 2011

Am Montag, 14. November 2011, 00:31:24 schrieb Patrick Westenberg:

> > I have>  11 TB hard used Mailstorage, saved als maildir in ext3 on
> > HP EVA.
> You have 11 TB of mails on a non cluster filesystem?


I don't believe a clustered filesystem would have more performance and 
would be more rock solid.

I don't have a problem  on my frontend server. Why should I have two or 
more of them? I have a problem in my backend. My SAN has too much to do. 
Why should a cluster filesystem be better for my SAN?

> Is it only accessed from one server or how does it work?




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