[Dovecot] Error in logs indicating broken files

Steve Campbell campbell at cnpapers.com
Fri Apr 20 15:30:27 EEST 2012

Still new to dovecot,

I'm seeing a couple of errors in my log file indicating corruption of 
index files.

Error: Corrupted index cache file/home/xxxxxx/mail/.imap/sent-mail/dovecot.index.cache: Broken virtual size for mail UID 67: 1 Time(s)

Error: FETCH [] for mailbox ~/mail/sent-mail UID 67 got too little data: 6203 vs 7478: 1 Time(s)

This account is used by multiple users, but it is not a shared account 
(haven't set any of those up yet - still new to me), so I would expect 
corruption possibilities when multiple users modify the account folders 
in some manner.

Until I get some experience under my belt and make this a truly "shared" 
account, is there any way to resolve the corruption of the files 
mentioned above? Maybe just delete them?


steve campbell

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