[Dovecot] about postlogin in dovecot2

Daniel Parthey daniel.parthey at informatik.tu-chemnitz.de
Fri Aug 10 05:35:25 EEST 2012

Bulend Mali wrote:
> i want to use login-intranet-imap.sh in order to restrict by emailaddress and ip address.
> i read it at http://wiki2.dovecot.org/PostLoginScripting.
> But there is an expression "mail_executable" in [dovecot1] conf.
> but there is no such thing in dovecot2.
> What is equivalent of it for dovecot2 ?

service imap {
  executable = imap imap-postlogin


service pop3 {
  executable = pop3 pop3-postlogin

I assume the
exec "$@"
in your login-intranet-imap.sh is there to execute
the imap binary (or call it "mail executable")
which handles the protocol traffic after your
post-login script has done its work and granted
access to the user.

If you would like to deny access, you should not
execute the protocol handler, but simply exit 0,
see "Denying connection from some IP/User" at


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