[Dovecot] doveadm director status username != doveadm director status username at mailserver

Charles Marcus CMarcus at Media-Brokers.com
Tue Jul 17 13:51:53 EEST 2012

On 2012-07-17 6:43 AM, Joseba Torre <joseba.torre at ehu.es> wrote:
> Is there any way to redirect connections based only in the local part of
> the address? Or there is a way to get rid of the @mailserver in the
> postfix -> lmtp connection?

First, my imap connections/logins show the full username 
(user at example.com) in the logs. I'm not using LMTP (yet), but don't 
think that affects imap logins...

Second, since, in a virtual setup, it is very likely that you will have 
a collision of the local part, shouldn't you be figuring out how to make 
imap logins use the full user at example.com instead?


Best regards,


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