[Dovecot] Released Pigeonhole v0.3.1 for Dovecot v2.1.6

Stephan Bosch stephan at rename-it.nl
Sun May 27 18:40:19 EEST 2012

Op 5/27/2012 10:15 AM, Ed W schreef:
> On 25/05/2012 23:12, Stephan Bosch wrote:
>> The biggest change is the addition of dict support for Sieve script 
>> retrieval. It now possible to fetch Sieve scripts from an SQL 
>> database using the Dovecot dict facility. Read the INSTALL file and 
>> the referenced additional documentation for more information. Note 
>> that this feature currently is not usable with 
>> sieve_before/sieve_after and ManageSieve. 
> This is very interesting!
> In fact on reflection, I would very much like sql decided before/after 
> and a disk based main sieve script.  Or phrased in terms of usage: I 
> have groups of users where we have a predefined bunch of filtering 
> that happens on their account. At the moment the users are grouped 
> into top level directories so that the "home" and hence default 
> scripts can cascade down.  However, it means it's not trivial to 
> adjust the grouping of the users and requires on disk placement to be 
> meaningful.  I would desire to find a way of when Postfix delivers a 
> mail for a user X that this will run a bunch of predefined filtering 
> scripts which are per-user, plus the users normal scripts.  All 
> scripts would normally live on disk
> Perhaps this is actually more easily done a different way?

Isn't that user-specific predefined script thing you want exactly what 
the second change I announced provides? :

> Additionally, it is now possible to specify multiple sieve_before and
> sieve_after scripts. This for instance enables administrators to 
> specify both global and user-specific scripts that are to be executed 
> before and after the user's personal script. User-specific scripts
> configured in sieve_before and sieve_after can not be seen or changed 
> through the ManageSieve protocol. 



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