[Dovecot] Shutting down my Dovecot server?

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Wed Nov 28 22:57:19 EET 2012

Am 28.11.2012 21:52, schrieb Bjørn T Johansen:
> Well, I could do that... But you see, there is not much of the emails I have at the moment that I really need, I
> might need one now and then...
> So that is why I don't want to copy almost 10GB of email to the new server...

if you do NOT want them on the new server drag them to
your local MUA - what the hell do you imagine as
third option

* not on the server
* not on the local MUA

so where do you believe they are?

well, you could delete them but you said you want
them archied............

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