Michael M Slusarz slusarz at curecanti.org
Mon Nov 5 20:06:52 EET 2012

Quoting Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:

> Also, to verify it wasn't something screwy with my server, Michael  
> Slusarz provided me with this from his server:
> <quote>
> There's definitely something wonky going on in the code.  There's a  
> certain tipping point of modseqs where the values become incorrect.   
> For a mailbox with HIGHESTMODSEQ of 54004, I see this:
> a uid fetch 1:* UID (VANISHED CHANGEDSINCE 53881)
> * VANISHED (EARLIER) 1:37308,37310:40788,40791:41032,41034:41083
> a OK Fetch completed.
> b uid fetch 1:* UID (VANISHED CHANGEDSINCE 53882)
> * VANISHED (EARLIER) 41029:41030,41047:41083
> b OK Fetch completed.
> </quote>

FYI, this is output from Dovecot 2.1.10.


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