[Dovecot] Any chance to access read-only mdboxes?

Jost Krieger Jost.Krieger+dovecot at rub.de
Wed Nov 28 10:57:30 EET 2012

We would like to provide a self-service restore function to our users
using their IMAP client of choice..

Our idea was to use a snapshot (under ZFS, btrfs, whatever) and have it
available to the user in a namespace.

Unfortunately, but understandably, dovecot doesn't like the mdbox
structure to be read-only. Is there any chance to change that?

In the meantime, we could use a read-write snapshot, but we wouldn't
like the users to really do changes to that snapshot.

Our next attempt is to use ACLs, but it's a bit hard to gt the ACLs to
the correct place in the snapshots, at least for thousands of users.

Our currents solution (in test) is a quick and dirty patch to introduce
inheritance to the ACLs by walking up the directory tree, so we need
only one ACL.

A cleaner solution would be very much appreciated.
Jost Krieger
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