[Dovecot] Dovecot 2 and TCP-Keepalive

Sven Hartge sven at svenhartge.de
Sat Oct 20 19:39:22 EEST 2012


I am about to migrate a perdition-based IMAP/POP3 proxy to Dovecot.

Unfortunately some users are behind a firewall/NAT setup which throws
away seemingly idle TCP connections sooner than the established default
of 24 hours (more likely after 30 minutes ...) resulting in all kinds of
weird client behavior.

And unfortunately² this firewall/NAT setup is outside of my control and
I have no means of correcting this (in my opinion) flawed configuration.

Now, with perdition I was able to use the --tcp_keepalive option which
totally solved the mentioned weird client behavior.

My question is: does Dovecot2 use TCP-Keepalive on its sockets per
default or do I need to enable it some way I have not yet discovered?

The manual and wiki only talk about "keepalive" in connection with the
IMAP protocol and IDLE and my C-fu is too weak to understand the source


Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

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