[Dovecot] still having difficulties with per-user quotas

Daniel Parthey daniel.parthey at informatik.tu-chemnitz.de
Sun Oct 21 23:49:19 EEST 2012

Hi Dave,

David Mehler wrote:
> Thanks for all your help so far. I have per-user quotas now working, I
> had to also alter my dict config file as well. I am having two
> outstanding issues, actually one outstanding issue and one question.
> Here's the question, given that the userdb sql query returns a default
> quota entry for rows of zero in quota and quota_messages is the
> default quota section needed in 90-quota.conf?
> plugin {
>   quota_rule = *:storage=1G
>   quota_rule2 = Trash:storage=+100M
> }

You need quota_rule2 to give the user some additional space
in the Trash folder if he/she wants to delete messages when over quota.
The dict is also needed for quota lookup from the database.

The only thing which might be omitted is the global quota_rule
since it is returned by the userdb/passwd in any case, but I'm
not sure what happens if you only configure a "quota_rule2" without
configuring a "quota_rule".

> My outstanding issue is whenever I as the root mysql user update a
> user's quota the other user also gets an update, I noticed with one
> the messages column on the other user went from 0 to 2, another time
> the quota value went up from 0 to 3500 it seems random.

You should not be accounting the actual mailbox usage in the
same virtual_users table as the quota is read from.

Use *different* column or table name in your dict file
where dovecot may write the current storage/message count.

> dovecot-dict-sql.conf.ext
> map {
>   pattern = priv/quota/storage
>   table = virtual_users
>   username_field = user
>   value_field = quota
value_field should be current_quota_storage (writable column)

> }
> map {
>   pattern = priv/quota/messages
>   table = virtual_users
>   username_field = user
>   value_field = quota_messages
value_field should be current_quota_messages (writable column)

> I'd like to know why these columns are updating.

Dovecot stores the current storage and mailcount in there.
These columns should be different from the columns defining the maximum limit.


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