[Dovecot] File permissions used for automatically created mailbox

Frerich Raabe raabe at froglogic.com
Thu Feb 7 12:22:24 EET 2013


I'm running Dovecot 2.1.12 on FreeBSD (quite successfully so, thanks for 
this nice piece of software!). One thing which is slightly annoying 
though is that automatically created mailboxes (I have 
lda_mailbox_autocreate set) don't have the file permissions I'd like 
them to have.

I'm using a vmail-based system, i.e. all mail is owned by vmail:vmail; 
another member of the vmail group is called 'backup', which has read 
access to all mail in order to create backups. All mail is stored 
beneath /home/vmail, e.g. /home/vmail/frerich/Maildir

Right now, newly created mailbox directories (e.g. /home/vmail/bob) have 
0700 permissions, but I'd like to have 0750 for all directories and 0640 
for all files so that all files and directories are group-readable for 
backup purposes.

Does anybody know whether this is configurable somehow?

Right now, my workaround consists running this cron script every night:

   chown -R vmail:vmail /home/vmail/
   find /home/vmail/ -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0750
   find /home/vmail/ -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0640

Frerich Raabe - raabe at froglogic.com
www.froglogic.com - Multi-Platform GUI Testing

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