[Dovecot] load sbub-mailbox

mourik jan heupink heupink at merit.unu.edu
Sat Jan 12 14:09:01 EET 2013

Hi list, Daniel,

Finalle got around to try this out. I need to use the same 
username/password as with the dovecot main mailbox, so I dedited your 
config sample like this:

imapc_host = old.mail.server
imapc_user = %u
imapc_password = %w

namespace {
   type = private
   separator = /
   prefix = oldmail/
   location = imapc:
   inbox = no
   hidden = no
   list = yes

However the %w is not expanded to the users password, but instead "%w" 
is tried as a password, and therefore obviously things fail.

Without adding imapc_user / imapc_password, I get the following error:

imap(username): Error: user username: Initialization failed: Namespace 
'oldmail/': imapc: missing imapc_password

How can I get the %w to expand properly, because I think then things 
would work...?

Mourik Jan

> I would try to create a private namespace "oldmail"
> http://wiki2.dovecot.org/Namespaces
> with an imapc proxy
> http://wiki2.dovecot.org/HowTo/ImapcProxy
> I didn't test it, but configuration could look like this:
> imapc_host = oldmailserver
> namespace {
>    type = private
>    separator = /
>    prefix = oldmail/
>    location = imapc:
>    inbox = no
>    hidden = no
>    list = yes
> }

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