best file system ?

Gedalya gedalya at
Mon Dec 1 16:31:27 UTC 2014

On 12/01/2014 11:24 AM, absolutely_free at wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm going to set up a new storage for our email users (about 10k).
> It's a network attached storage (Coraid).
> In your opinion, what is the best file system for mail server (pop3/imap/webmail) purpose?
> Thank you
This thread (and others) has covered some options
About XFS, it's worth noting that it doesn't come with a version number, 
so XFS in a recent kernel simply doesn't mean the same thing as an older 
kernel. You kind of need to look at the kernel version instead of an 
"XFS version".
Also, the devil will be in the details. You'll always need to worry 
about things like alignment etc., particulars of your configuration / 
work load. You really can't look at it as simply a question of which 
filesystem to choose.

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