Fatal: master: service(imap): child 20258 killed with signal 6 (core not dumped - set service imap { drop_priv_before_exec=yes })

Urban Loesch bind at enas.net
Thu Jul 10 18:48:33 UTC 2014


not shure if that helps.

In 10-master.conf file exists a "service imap { ... }" section.
You could try to increase the "process_limit = " parameter in it.

On one of oour servers there we have "process_limit = 2048" and we habe 
about 1200 concurrent connections without problems.


Am 10.07.2014 20:33, schrieb CJ Keist:
> It's not fixed. Now the limit looks to be around 500 processes and we
> start to get number of connections exceeded.  Any ideas?
> On 7/10/14, 10:35 AM, CJ Keist wrote:
>> I fixed this issue about the process limit in the 10-master.conf file:
>> default_process_limit = 5000
>> default_client_limit = 30000
>> On 7/10/14, 10:03 AM, CJ Keist wrote:
>>> It looks like on the system that once we hit around 200 imap processes
>>> it stops there and no more imap processes can be created.  Is there a
>>> number of max imap processes in the config file somewhere.  By the way
>>> running on OmniOS:
>>> SunOS mail2 5.11 omnios-6de5e81 i86pc i386 i86pc
>>> On 7/10/14, 9:50 AM, CJ Keist wrote:
>>>> Thanks for the reply. I have seen threads about setting the
>>>> mail_max_userip_connections, I have set this to 5000 and still people
>>>> getting the exceeding connections errorl
>>>> root at mail2:/userM/mail-services/dovecot/sbin# ./dovecot -n
>>>> # 2.2.13: /userM/mail-services/dovecot/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
>>>> # OS: SunOS 5.11 i86pc
>>>> auth_failure_delay = 5 secs
>>>> auth_mechanisms = plain login cram-md5
>>>> auth_worker_max_count = 3000
>>>> base_dir = /userM/mail-services/dovecot/var/run/dovecot/
>>>> disable_plaintext_auth = no
>>>> hostname = mail2.engr.colostate.edu
>>>> managesieve_notify_capability = mailto
>>>> managesieve_sieve_capability = fileinto reject envelope
>>>> encoded-character vacation subaddress comparator-i;ascii-numeric
>>>> relational regex imap4flags copy include variables body enotify
>>>> environment mailbox date ihave duplicate
>>>> namespace inbox {
>>>>    inbox = yes
>>>>    location =
>>>>    mailbox Drafts {
>>>>      special_use = \Drafts
>>>>    }
>>>>    mailbox Junk {
>>>>      special_use = \Junk
>>>>    }
>>>>    mailbox Sent {
>>>>      special_use = \Sent
>>>>    }
>>>>    mailbox "Sent Messages" {
>>>>      special_use = \Sent
>>>>    }
>>>>    mailbox Trash {
>>>>      special_use = \Trash
>>>>    }
>>>>    prefix =
>>>> }
>>>> passdb {
>>>>    driver = pam
>>>> }
>>>> passdb {
>>>>    driver = passwd
>>>> }
>>>> postmaster_address = cjay at engr.colostate.edu
>>>> service auth {
>>>>    unix_listener /var/lib/postfix/private/auth {
>>>>      mode = 0666
>>>>    }
>>>>    unix_listener auth-userdb {
>>>>      group = postfix
>>>>      mode = 0666
>>>>      user = postfix
>>>>    }
>>>>    user = root
>>>> }
>>>> service imap-login {
>>>>    inet_listener imap {
>>>>      port = 143
>>>>    }
>>>>    inet_listener imaps {
>>>>      port = 993
>>>>      ssl = yes
>>>>    }
>>>> }
>>>> service pop3-login {
>>>>    inet_listener pop3 {
>>>>      port = 110
>>>>    }
>>>>    inet_listener pop3s {
>>>>      port = 995
>>>>      ssl = yes
>>>>    }
>>>> }
>>>> ssl_cert = </userM/mail-services/dovecot/etc/ssl/dovecot.pem
>>>> ssl_key = </userM/mail-services/dovecot/etc/ssl/privkey.pem
>>>> userdb {
>>>>    args = blocking=yes
>>>>    driver = passwd
>>>> }
>>>> protocol imap {
>>>>    mail_max_userip_connections = 5000
>>>> }
>>>> protocol lda {
>>>>    mail_plugins = sieve
>>>> }
>>>> On 7/10/14, 9:45 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>>>>> Am 10.07.2014 17:32, schrieb CJ Keist:
>>>>>> Another problem is people are getting error message from their
>>>>>> clients stating
>>>>>> they have exceeded their number of connections.
>>>>> mail_max_userip_connections = 50
>>>>> well, how much folders do the have
>>>>> keep in mind that fpr IDLE you have one connection per user and folder
>>>>> 10 users with 10 folders behind the same NAT router are 100
>>>>> connections
>>>>> from the same IP
>>>>>> On 7/10/14, 9:09 AM, CJ Keist wrote:
>>>>>>> Added info:  These errors seem to come from users using mbox format.
>>>>>>> On 7/10/14, 9:04 AM, CJ Keist wrote:
>>>>>>>> All,
>>>>>>>>     Just move our mail servers over to a new mail server running
>>>>>>>> postfix
>>>>>>>> 2.11.1 and dovecot 2.2.13 and getting the subject line errors in my
>>>>>>>> /var/adm/files.  People are complaining of loosing their
>>>>>>>> connections to
>>>>>>>> the mail server.
>>>>>>>> I've been able to google this error but haven't found fix for this
>>>>>>>> yet.
>>>>>>>>    NOt sure where to put the drop-priv option in the config files
>>>>>>>> either.
>>>>>>>> Any suggestions?
>>>>>>>> Var adm message:
>>>>>>>> Jul 10 08:54:29 mail2 dovecot: [ID 583609 mail.crit] imap(chen):
>>>>>>>> Fatal:
>>>>>>>> master: service(imap): child 20258 killed with signal 6 (core not
>>>>>>>> dumped
>>>>>>>> - set service imap { drop_priv_before_exec=yes })
>>>>>>>> Here is config output:
>>>>>>>> root at mail2:/userM/mail-services/dovecot/sbin# ./dovecot -n
>>>>>>>> # 2.2.13: /userM/mail-services/dovecot/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
>>>>>>>> # OS: SunOS 5.11 i86pc
>>>>>>>> auth_failure_delay = 5 secs
>>>>>>>> auth_mechanisms = plain login cram-md5
>>>>>>>> auth_worker_max_count = 300
>>>>>>>> base_dir = /userM/mail-services/dovecot/var/run/dovecot/
>>>>>>>> disable_plaintext_auth = no
>>>>>>>> hostname = mail2.engr.colostate.edu
>>>>>>>> managesieve_notify_capability = mailto
>>>>>>>> managesieve_sieve_capability = fileinto reject envelope
>>>>>>>> encoded-character vacation subaddress comparator-i;ascii-numeric
>>>>>>>> relational regex imap4flags copy include variables body enotify
>>>>>>>> environment mailbox date ihave duplicate
>>>>>>>> namespace inbox {
>>>>>>>>     inbox = yes
>>>>>>>>     location =
>>>>>>>>     mailbox Drafts {
>>>>>>>>       special_use = \Drafts
>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>     mailbox Junk {
>>>>>>>>       special_use = \Junk
>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>     mailbox Sent {
>>>>>>>>       special_use = \Sent
>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>     mailbox "Sent Messages" {
>>>>>>>>       special_use = \Sent
>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>     mailbox Trash {
>>>>>>>>       special_use = \Trash
>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>     prefix =
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> passdb {
>>>>>>>>     driver = pam
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> passdb {
>>>>>>>>     driver = passwd
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> postmaster_address = cjay at engr.colostate.edu
>>>>>>>> service auth {
>>>>>>>>     unix_listener /var/lib/postfix/private/auth {
>>>>>>>>       mode = 0666
>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>     unix_listener auth-userdb {
>>>>>>>>       group = postfix
>>>>>>>>       mode = 0666
>>>>>>>>       user = postfix
>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>     user = root
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> service imap-login {
>>>>>>>>     inet_listener imap {
>>>>>>>>       port = 143
>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>     inet_listener imaps {
>>>>>>>>       port = 993
>>>>>>>>       ssl = yes
>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> service pop3-login {
>>>>>>>>     inet_listener pop3 {
>>>>>>>>       port = 110
>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>     inet_listener pop3s {
>>>>>>>>       port = 995
>>>>>>>>       ssl = yes
>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> ssl_cert = </userM/mail-services/dovecot/etc/ssl/dovecot.pem
>>>>>>>> ssl_key = </userM/mail-services/dovecot/etc/ssl/privkey.pem
>>>>>>>> userdb {
>>>>>>>>     args = blocking=yes
>>>>>>>>     driver = passwd
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> protocol imap {
>>>>>>>>     mail_max_userip_connections = 50
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> protocol lda {
>>>>>>>>     mail_plugins = sieve
>>>>>>>> }

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