Sieve extprograms ?not exexuting?

Alexander Dalloz ad+lists at
Mon Apr 27 19:19:47 UTC 2015

Am 27.04.2015 um 20:55 schrieb E.B.:

>>> So I guess it thinks it is running my script? But simple test script
>>> does nothing. Here it is:
>>> #!/bin/sh
>>> read INPUT
>>> INPUT="Hello world: $INPUT"
>>> echo "$INPUT" >> /tmp/hello
>>> echo "---------------------------" >> /tmp/hello
>>> Permissions on this script file for now are rwxrwxrwx
>>> But nothing goes to /tmp/hello at all. Script works when I run it
>>> manually. I also tried without the "read" but I think that's required
>>> isn't it? Anyway, what else can I do to debug this?
>> Well, first try with a script that cannot fail (well most likely), e.g.:
> I tried your script for fun, same result. Log showing
> the script was called, but no output from the script.
> I also deleted the script and made sure that debug
> log showed that sieve could not find the script. Is it
> chrooted or something weird?

In another thread you said you are running CentOS. So I strongly guess 
it is SELinux interfering. Check your auditd log

grep -i AVC /var/log/audit/audit.log

You can test whether your setup works after "setenforce 0". That sets 
SELinux into permissive mode, loggging AVCs but not blocking actions.


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